Hubs Custom Pick Four

Availability: In Stock

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Due to a USPS surcharge, any orders of two (2) units or more shipped to a PO BOX may incur additional charges at checkout.

Choose products for your Pick 4 Case:

Hubs Pick Four
PICK 4 of any of these 20 oz cans: Salted, Unsalted, Big Reds, Honey Kissed, Sweet Heat or Choco (Seasonal-see below)

Choco is available November through March and ships weather permitting. If you are ordering Choco, please remember if temperatures are warm at our location, we will hold your order until temperatures cool. If your location has temperatures that may reach into the 80's, please choose an expedited shipping option. Also, please consider a delivery address where someone will be available to accept the package and not leave it out in the sun. We are unable to guarantee this product will not be damaged by heat exposure.