Choco Covered Peanut Brittle

(7 reviews)

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Due to a USPS surcharge, any orders of two (2) units or more shipped to a PO BOX may incur additional charges at checkout.
16 oz. Cans Individually Boxed
  • Case Pack
  • Per Unit
  • Price
  • Qty
  • Single Can
  • $34.75
  • $34.75
  • Boxed 2 per Case
  • $27.88
  • $55.75
  • Boxed 4 per Case
  • $24.94
  • $99.75
  • Boxed 10 per Case
  • $19.98
  • $199.75
  • Boxed 20 per Case
  • $19.03
  • $380.50
Hubs Choco Covered Peanut Brittle
What could be better than a layer of chocolatey goodness married to our delicious Hubs salted peanut brittle? Try this and you'll want more!

Available November through March.

These items have a shelf life of 6 months. Please keep this in mind when placing your order.

This Product ships weather permitting. If temperatures are warm at our location, we will hold your order until temperatures cool. If your location has temperatures that may reach into the 80's, please choose an expedited shipping option. Also, please consider a delivery address where someone will be available to accept the package and not leave it out in the sun. We are unable to guarantee this product will not be damaged by heat exposure.

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7 reviews
The best ever
Feb 5, 2025
I have been purchasing Hubs chocolate covered peanuts for years to give as gifts at Christmas. They are so amazing and everyone loves them. My family loves them as well. This year I bought a few tins of the chocolate covered peanut brittle. I was planning on giving some as gifts, but when I tried the brittle, yeah, no, I gave one to a dear friend and kept the others for myself and my family. Absolutely incredible! So good and I will probably now be giving tins of this to share for years to come. It so delicious and I did order more after the holidays because I felt the house could always use this as a special treat anytime. Bravo on an incredible product!
Bomb Brittle !!!
Jan 13, 2025
I normally order the peanuts and the chocolate covered peanuts but I added the chocolate covered peanut brittle to my holiday order this year. Absolutely amazing. I could not keep my hands off of the these. Highly recommend. Also, the customer service phone line is always so helpful and friendly.
Dec 26, 2023
Someone gifted this to us for Christmas this year & it was gone in no time! The whole family loved it!
Jan 19, 2023
I am a chocoholic. The chocolates covered peanut brittle does not disappoint!! It is amazing!! If you haven't tried it, you are missing out!! I am anxiously awaiting for a restock!! Hurry please!!
Teresa Fuller
Best Ever yet
Dec 11, 2022
What!!! Out stock I need this for gifts. Please replenish your stock. This is the Best Choco Covered Peanut Brittle hands down.
Shenida Tripp
Dec 5, 2022
I was given a can of this by my employer in my Christmas gift bag. AMAZING!!!! This is better than you can even imagine. Disappointed that it is sold out, because I want to order some for gifts. I will crave this from now on...LOL! Highly recommend!
What chocolate is this
Feb 15, 2022
Maybe I am blind, but I can't tell of this is milk or dark choc. Is this stated in the description? Can't find it. In any case it has to be fantastically good based on many years of enjoying your products
John Barber